January 2007 – Mom and I flew up to Connecticut to celebrate Uncle James’ 50th Birthday with Aunt Patty, Nick, and Luke. It’s been a tough year with Uncle John’s passing and all, so it was nice to be part of an intimate family weekend celebration of this special birthday. Can you tell that Mom loved every minute of it?
Yes, we left sunny So Flo for the frozen tundra of the north, but family means a lot to us. It was even more special because Uncle James and Aunt Patty were able to call in a few markers and arrange for a light snowfall just as we arrived, turning the whole neighborhood into a postcard. Nothing better than sitting in a warm home, with warm family, enjoying great conversation, great food, and of course, great wine! I also got my fill of snow for this year.
Here are a few more pictures and stories. Either click on the “slideshow” or arrow down to page through the pictures one at a time. Enjoy and don’t forget to drop us a line in the Guestbook!